We offer a variety of personalised services to meet the unique needs of each family.

Families will have a dedicated Key Support Worker who will provide ongoing assistance and conduct weekly progress reviews. We offer support for parents in practical skills like independent living and parenting tasks such as bottle preparation, healthy cooking, and nappy changing. Additionally, we assist parents in learning life skills such as understanding the effects of neglect and understand the impact of domestic abuse/substance misuse has on their child/ren. We encourage them to participate in motivational support groups to maximise their parenting potential.

Our parent's tailored plans encourages constructive learning to achieve positive changes within their child/ren's life.

Throughout their stay, families receive a personalised plan designed to address their specific needs. This plan includes a teaching programme aimed at helping parents identify and address any concerns in their child/ren’s lives, facilitating positive changes for the family.

Weekly reviews of this teaching programme are conducted with the parents, our team of family support workers, or with the Local Authority to ensure progress is on track.

We will arrange a Midway Meeting with the Local Authority after 6 weeks, to discuss the progress parents have made. Social Workers will attend the Midway Meeting and provide a report for Care planning Meetings and Looked After Children (LAC) reviews.

What Parenting Assessments for All Provide

PAFA also offers:

Child Development Sessions

Life Story Work

Internet Safety Sessions

Community Safety Sessions

Healthy Eating Sessions

Budgeting Sessions

Home Conditions Sessions

Personal Hygiene Sessions

Additional Support

Family Support Workers will undertake life skills sessions either on an individual or group basis, to promote positive parenting, resulting in a thriving environment for parents to raise their child/ren. We can offer direct and indirect contact with external family members via telephone or virtual technology.  

We offer support with domestic abuse, substance misuse, mental health needs and any other issues, and we will undertake spot checks on parents’ electronic devices as a safeguarding measure.

We will additionally support families to access the following services:

Local GP

We recommend that families temporarily register with the local GP in our area to address any health concerns or schedule a general check-up with a professional.

Health Visitor

PAFA have an allocated Health Visitor who visits the centres every month to offer support with any health concerns.


We educate parents on safe and positive parenting, looking into the affects of neglect, and teach basic skills, like preparing healthy dinners for their child/ren.

Children Centred Services

Our baby groups and individual sessions are used to benefit the children within our care. These groups may be nappy changing, washing sterilising/making bottles, bathing, top and tail washing and teeth brushing.

Specialist Services

We commission a range of specialists who visit our centres on a weekly basis to offer additional support for families. These include a Psychotherapist, Healthy Relationships Practitioner and Drug and Alcohol Specialist.

Alternative Therapies

Our alternative therapies include breast feeding clinics and smoking cessation classes for parents who require further support. Parents can also be sign posted to other services to promote their independence such as Tomorrow’s Woman or the Spider Group.

Parent Feedback

Need to discuss a referral?

Call us today on 07786 967 229